Mingqing Yuan
Mingqing Yuan is a PhD candidate at Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies, University of Bayreuth, Germany. Her dissertation focuses on the literary interactions and exchanges between Kenya and China since the decolonizing era. Her interests include cultural exchanges during the Cold War, decolonial, anti-colonial and postcolonial studies, translation, world literature, and China-Africa studies. Currently she is also a fellow at the project of Recalibrating Afrikanistik.
Journals presented by Mingqing Yuan
The Chinese translation and introduction of African literature in the journal of World Literature (1953-1966) The Chinese bimonthly journal World Literature (shijie wenxue,《世界文学》) was founded in 1953, run by the Chinese Writers’ Association. It was the only journal for translated literature in China before the 1970s. The journal was initially titled Translation (yiwen,《译 文》) [Fig.2] […]